Agenda Preview

Agenda topics include:

Field tour of AEP and Marathon lines – highlighting each company’s right-of-way vegetation management practices and sustainability efforts

Endangered Species Update

Next Steps In Noxious and Invasive Weed Control

Community Engagement Successes and Roundtable

Biodiversity Research Efforts

IOU Case Study – A Data Driven Approach to Sustainability

Energy Utilities – Sharing Their ROW Maintenance BMPs

Dawes Arboretum – Optional Pre-Summit Field Tour (July 9)

This optional field tour will allow attendees to view a six-year research study of native seed mixes and the impact of applying mechanical and chemical control methods.  Attendees will see the right-of-way response to conservation mowing and recently applied drone herbicide applications, both broadcast and spot treatments.  The project is a partnership with American Electric Power (AEP), Davey, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and Dawes.