
This spreadsheet provides a template for tracking effectiveness monitoring requirements in a tabular format. Also included is a calculator to help CCAA Partners perform their adaptive management calculations.
Updated 12/15/2023.

This addendum provides supplemental updates to the monitoring protocol described in the Monarch CCAA, Section 14.2. These additions and changes were made as a result of coordination between the Program Administrator, CCAA Partners, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service following the first year of program monitoring.

This checklist helps CCAA Partners navigate various monitoring-related references and resources available for the Monarch CCAA and Pollinator Scorecard.

This guidance document provides information about using mitigation lands as adopted acres in the Monarch CCAA.

This addendum provides the modified process of assessing adaptive management to recognize nectar plant contributions from Midwest and Eastern Partners.

This document covers the sampling protocols for Effectiveness Modelling and Compliance Reporting, Biological Effectiveness Monitoring Expectations, Monitoring Requirements, Sampling Methods, and Sampling Frequency.

The Pollinator Scorecard and Management Module was developed by the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group to evaluate pollinator habitat and management practices on rights-of-way and other energy and transportation lands. The User’s Guide provides background information and protocols for using the Pollinator Scorecard and Management Module.

The Tier 1 datasheet is a high-level assessment developed by the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group, which can be quickly used to determine if pollinator habitat is present. It is intended to be used by anyone, with minimal training or plant identification skills required. Use with the Pollinator Scorecard User’s Guide.

The Tier 1 datasheet is a high-level assessment developed by the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group, which can be quickly used to determine if pollinator habitat is present. It is intended to be used by anyone, with minimal training or plant identification skills required. Use with the Pollinator Scorecard User’s Guide.

The Tier 2 datasheet, developed by the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group, can be used to generally assess habitat quality. It can be used by most assessors but some skill level is required to identify percent plant cover, flowering plants in bloom, habitat resources, and management threats and opportunities. Use with the Pollinator Scorecard User’s Guide.

The Tier 3 datasheet, developed by the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working group, provides a more detailed assessment of habitat quality. It is intended for advanced users who are able to identify most plants to species level. Use with the Pollinator Scorecard User’s Guide.

The Pollinator Scorecard Management Module is used to evaluate the suitability of management activities for pollinator habitat on each plot or site. This tool provides valuable information to consider alongside the habitat quality ratings.

This document provides a template monitoring plan to support monitoring for the Monarch CCAA. A monitoring plan is not required, however, some organizations may find a plan helpful for many reasons, including maintaining consistency from surveyor to surveyor (year to year) or to document organization-specific procedures for quality control purposes.

This document is a Memorandum of Agreement between the Ohio Department of Transportation and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, which provides example contract language that Partners could use when working with contractors to conduct biological effectiveness monitoring for the CCAA.