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(MJV) Western Pollinator Conservation Webinar
May 4, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CDT
Western Pollinator Conservation Webinar
May 4, 2022
12pm-1pm CDT, through Microsoft Teams
Join the Microsoft Teams meeting here.
Interested in how you can help with native bumble bee and western monarch butterfly conservation?
Please join May 4th 10 – 11am PST for a practitioner-focused webinar to make the most out of the 2022 field season.
This webinar will cover the status of bumble bees of concern and western monarchs, how to use apps to report field observations of pollinators, and where to find the best reference materials to guide you in the field. This webinar is relevant for federal and
state employees based in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada, Arizona, or Utah and will be recorded.
Presenters include:
Amanda Barth – Chair of Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Western Monarch and Native Pollinator Working Group
Jeff Everett – USFWS lead for Franklin’s Bumble Bee and co-lead of the Western Bumble Bee Species Status Assessment
Cat Darst – USFWS Assistant Field Supervisor for Listing and Recovery
Emma Pelton and Rich Hatfield – The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Please contact Vicki Finn (vicki_finn@fws.gov), USFWS Conservation Coordinator, with any questions.