Healthy Monarchs, Healthy Planet – Best Practices for Monarch Conservation

1:00-2:00 PM EST In this webinar, an educator from Monarch Joint Venture will provide an overview of monarch conservation, including guidance for constructing a monarch-friendly pollinator garden and other ways to support butterflies on corporate lands or in the back yard. More info/Register here.

Xerces: Supporting Pollinators Over Time: How to Maintain Wildflower Diversity

Integrating habitat onto farms and other landscapes can support pollinators and the pollination services they provide. However, flower-rich plantings often require ongoing management to maintain wildflower diversity for pollinators over time. Come learn about a framework for selecting the most appropriate management techniques, and learn how landowners Xerces work with are managing their pollinator plantings. …

AASHTO: Improving the Resilience of Our National Transportation System through Lifecycle Based Roadside Planning, Design, and Maintenance

Of all the land owned and maintained within the national highway transportation system, up to two-thirds is unpaved. Historically roadside design and maintenance has prioritized research focus on traffic safety, stormwater filtration and drainage, and visual quality. However over the past several decades there has been research to show the roadside's potential as an environmental …

World Bee Day

Click here to see all the World Bee Day related activities and news!

Live Virtual PAMF Training

The PAMF Team will be offering a webinar style PAMF training again this May. This training session will give a comprehensive background on the program and provide you with the tools you need to enroll and monitor your management units as part of PAMF. The training will take place on Tuesday, May 25 from 10:00 …

MJV: Monarch Butterfly Reproduction: from physiology to behavior

Reproduction is a fascinating facet in the life an insect with more than its share of fascinating features. Monarch scientists Karen Oberhauser and Michelle Solensky will share their research on the ins and outs of monarch reproduction, from mating behavior to spermatophores and sperm competition. Learn how they’ve counted monarch sperm (both kinds!), distinguished female …

Wildlife Habitat Council: Conservation Conference 2021

The Conservation Conference, will be held online June 8 and 9. All sessions will be LIVE and they'll be adding scheduled networking events and increased opportunities to connect with exhibitors and sponsors. Join WHC for Conservation Conference Online, a premier virtual event experience that only WHC can provide. Registration opens January 2021. More info here …

CNGA’s 14th Annual Field Day at Hedgerow Farms – A Virtual Event

Please join CGNA for an online virtual field day with presentations and field tours featuring the beautiful scenery at Hedgerow Farms Inc. in Winters, CA.  Online Member – $50.00 Member fee for virtual Field Day Online Non-Member – $65.00 Non-Member fee for virtual Field Day Online Student – $25.00 Registration code required Student fee for …

MJV: Monarch Larva Monitoring Project (MLMP)

On June 12th, the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project (MLMP) team will lead a virtual training to learn how to collect data to contribute to knowledge about the monarch population. Volunteers are critical to informing and inspiring monarch conservation. This session will be relevant for both newcomers and individuals who are already participating in the MLMP …

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