Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve: 22nd Annual Land Ethics Symposium (VIRTUAL)

Symposium Overview Look forward to the 22nd year of this not-to-be-missed symposium geared towards landscape architects, designers, contractors, land planners, municipal officials and homeowners. Learn how to create ecologically sound and economically viable landscapes through the use of native plants and sustainable practices. Continuing education credits will be available! Registration coming soon.

MJV 2022 Webinar Series: Total Alliance for Pollinators

Tribal Alliance for Pollinators: An Innovative Model for Conservation Collaboration. Presenters: Jane Breckinridge & Brandon Gillespie.  February 22, 2022 1pm-2pm TAP is the only Native-led organization dedicated to grassland restoration using locally sourced native plant seed. Learn about TAP’s history, dedication to monarch conservation, methods and hear guidance on working more effectively with tribes. Register …

Webinar: Pollinator Health and Habitat from a Beekeeper’s Perspective

Starts at 10 AM CST on February 23, 2022 through Zoom The seminar will take place again at 7 PM CST on February 24, also through Zoom. Join a free webinar that talks with a commercial beekeeper from Browning's Honey and pollinator biologists with The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund the many challenges facing the …

WHC Webinar Series: Proactive Conservation

Proactive Conservation: Supporting At-Risk Species through Collaborative Action February 23, 2021 12:00-1:00 PM CST While reversing population loss among threatened and endangered species is critical, it is also important to proactively address the needs of species that are at-risk of potential listing. Voluntarily working to keep at-risk species from being listed benefits not only wildlife, …

Webinar: Pollinator Health and Habitat from a Beekeeper’s Perspective

Starts at 7 PM CST on February 24, 2022 through Zoom The seminar will also take place at 10 AM CST on February 23, also through Zoom. Join a free webinar that talks with a commercial beekeeper from Browning's Honey and pollinator biologists with The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund the many challenges facing the …

PFA: Annual Best Practices for Pollinators Summit (VIRTUAL)

Learn ecologically sound land management practices that promote pollinators, climate resilience, clean water and lands, practical knowledge and innovation on pesticide reduction, habitat restorations and more.' The summit will take place on March 1-March 3, starting and ending at 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM CST each day. Registration coming soon. Read more at the Pollinator-Friendly …

MJV 2022 Webinar Series: Roadside as Habitat for Monarchs

Roadsides as Habitat for Monarchs: A Great Opportunity or a Salty Death Trap?  Presenter: Emilie C. Snell-Rood, University of Minnesota.  Roadsides contain potentially thousands of acres of monarch habitat with millions of stems of milkweed hosts, but they also present risks. Emilie will discuss her research over the past five years investigating costs and benefits …

Canadian Wildlife Federation: Rights-of-Way Habitat Restoration 2022 Annual Workshop

Annual Rights-of-Way Workshop Wednesday March 30 | 8:30am-3:00pm EDT Register for this event here! Do you manage vegetation on rights-of-way (roadways, hydro corridors, solar/wind farms, or pipeline easements)? Join your peers and get the know-how on restoring pollinator habitat!   Many organizations are finding pollinator habitat restoration a positive way to address challenges such as …

MJV 2022 Webinar Series: Western Monarch Update

Western Monarch Update: Population and Seasonal Windows of Opportunity for Monarchs in California. Presenters: Louie H. Yang, UC Davis & Emma Pelton, Xerces Society.  April 26, 2022 1pm-2pm CDT Join us for a western monarch population update and a research report on the results of Dr. Yang’s three-year study of milkweed-monarch interactions, which suggest two seasonal …
