Minimising Collision Impacts for Bats at Operational Wind Facilities, Part 1: Curtailment


This is the first in a series hosted by AWWI on strategies to minimize collision impacts for bats at operating wind energy facilities. This webinar will feature presentations by experts on what we’re learning about different curtailment approaches, current smart curtailment research projects funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, and novel approaches to developing …

Integrated Vegetation Management On Rights-of-Ways


This webinar will discuss how integrated vegetation management (IVM) offers a cost-effective, environmentally friendly approach that can significantly enhance pollinator habitats. Participants will learn how to implement different types of cultural, biological, mechanical, and chemical control methods along rights-of-way to attain desired plant composition while protecting pollinators. More details/register here

Some Ideas about How to Connect Stakeholders and Leverage Knowledge


Ecological restoration efforts are likely to be more successful when project components are informed by relevant stakeholders. However, key stakeholders are often not included in restoration design and deployment. This is largely driven by a lack of practitioner knowledge of and experience with stakeholder relations. In fact, inclusion of stakeholders across the entire restoration process …

Virtual Mind Walk: Central Coast Native American Overview


Join CCSPA, CA State Parks, and Archaeologist Chad Jackson for this intriguing lecture! An overview of Northern Chumash and Salinan Cultures on the Central Coast. Tribal histories, Archaeology, ethnohistoric accounts, and anthropological research will be summarized. More details/ register here

2021 Natural Areas Conference


The Xerces Society is co-hosting the 2021 Natural Area Conference held by the Natural Areas Association. This year's one-day virtual event, Life from the Ashes: Exploring the Impact of Prescribed & Natural Fire on Insects and Other Invertebrates, will explore the positive and negative impacts of prescribed and natural fire related to insects and other …

Protecting Monarchs and Other Pollinators in Your Community


Join Angela Laws, Endangered Species Conservation Biologist with the Xerces Society, for this webinar hosted by the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation. Angela will discuss the reasons that pollinators like monarchs are declining and highlight the many actions we can each take to protect monarchs and other pollinators in our communities. More details/register here

Climate Change and Land Use Change Impacts on Pollinators


Biodiversity across the globe and throughout the tree of life is in major flux, and understanding the nature and causes of these changes is critical for developing effective conservation and management strategies. Pollinators are an especially important group to understand biodiversity change in, given the ecosystem and agricultural services that they provide, and bumblebees are …

Bat Week 2021

Bat Week is an international, annual celebration designed to raise awareness about the need for bat conservation. Bats are amazing creatures that are vital to the health of our natural world and economy. Although we may not always see them, bats are hard at work all around the world each night – eating tons of …

Trees & Utilities Conference 2021

WI, United States

 2021 conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 26-28. This conference is the chief learning and engagement event in the world for utility vegetation managers and associated urban forestry professionals. Trees and Utilities offers the latest in: Utility arboriculture research Best management practices Environmental concerns Trends in vegetation management Continuing education credits Trade shows Enhance your program and …

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