(Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund) Solar Energy & Pollinator Benefits: Managing the Uncertainty of a New Model

Solar Energy & Pollinator Benefits: Managing the Uncertainty of a New Model November 17, 2022 Starts at 1:00 PM CST Register here! This discussion will look at the key considerations of how pollinator health and habitat benefits can be a key component of utility scale solar projects. Hosted by Tyler Kanczuzewski, Vice President of Sustainability …

(ROWHWG) Research Roundtable: Habitat Management on ROWs

ROWHWG Research Roundtable: Habitat Management on ROWs December 7, 2022 2:00PM-4:00PM CST Register here! We’re excited to host our second webinar in the Research Roundtable webinar series! Join us for the upcoming session and learn about research on best management practices for habitat on rights-of-way. As before, the webinar will feature several lightning talks from …

MJV 2022 Webinar Series: Remote Sensing Technology Development to Aid Conservation

Remote Sensing Technology Development to Aid Conservation. Presenters: Wendy Caldwell, Monarch Joint Venture & TBA. December 20, 2022 1pm-2pm CDT on Zoom A collaboration between the Monarch Joint Venture, Sentera Inc., and the U.S.G.S. has developed remote sensing technology to detect and count common milkweed stems. This technology may be a cost-efficient and effective method …

(Webinar) Crunching Numbers on Agrivoltaics: Context and Costs of Agrivoltaics in the US

Crunching Numbers on Agrivoltaics: Context and Costs of Agrivoltaics in the US January 18, 2023 12:00PM-1:00PM CST, through Zoom Register here! Join the AgriSolar Clearinghouse for our webinar series! In our first webinar, Jordan Macknick and James McCall will discuss the context and costs of agrivoltaics in the United States. It's free to attend and …

2023 International Western Monarch Summit

2023 International Western Monarch Summit January 20-22, 2023 Embassy Suites, San Luis Obispo, CA Register here! Come prepared for an exchange of ideas from across the Western States, Tribal Lands, Mexico, Canada and Australia-all with an interest in our western monarch population!  Expand your knowledge and make connections with other Monarch enthusiasts, researchers, and conservation …

CWF Webinar: Benefits of Mycorrhizae in Restoration

Benefits of Mycorrhizae in Restoration January 26, 2023 11:00AM-12:00PM, through Zoom Register here! Scientists have discovered how important it may be to include locally adapted microbes with your locally adapted plants. Mycorrhizal fungi can improve yield and plant and soil growth by transporting phosphorous and nitrogen and other nutrients from soil, collecting water from the …

(Webinar) Agrivoltaics, Procurement, and Electric Co-Ops

Agrivoltaics, Procurement, and Electric Co-Ops January 26, 2023 12:00PM-1:00PM, through Zoom Register here! Join the AgriSolar Clearinghouse team for our webinar series! In this installment, Ben Foster, Kit Carson, Connexus Energy, Delta-Montrose Electric Association, Jordan Macknick, and Elysa Hammond from Clif Bar will discuss agrivoltaics, procurement, and electric cooperatives. It's free to attend and recordings …

REWI Webinar: The Future of Wind Energy Technology and Wildlife Considerations

Technology and Innovation in Wind and Wildlife - The Future of Wind Energy Technology and Wildlife Considerations January 26, 2023 2:00PM-3:00PM CST, through Zoom Register here! This webinar focuses on the state and direction of land-based wind turbine technology and its implications for wildlife. As wind turbines grow in size, including taller hub heights and …

Collaborative Conservation in Energy and Transportation and the Race to Save the Monarch

Collaborative Conservation in Energy and Transportation and the Race to Save the Monarch January 31, 2023 12:00PM-1:00PM CST Register here! The striking declines in insect populations, in addition to many other species, warrants an “all hands on deck” approach to conservation. Since 2015, the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group has brought together organizations from across …
