MJV: Aligning Mosquito Control with Pollinator Protection

Mosquitoes are a public health nuisance - not only can their obnoxious bites ruin your picnic, but the diseases they carry sicken millions of people across the globe every year. The Metropolitan Mosquito Control District is the agency tasked with monitoring and controlling mosquitoes, ticks, and black flies in the Twin Cities. In this presentation …

WHC: Best Practices for Education Programming at Corporate Sites

1:00pm-2:00pm EDT Conservation and biodiversity education programs offer meaningful, equitable and accessible opportunities for learners of all ages to discover something new and make a positive contribution to the environment. Educational programming is an important aspect of a company’s social license to operate and can produce long-term partnerships while providing benefit to the community.   …

Eight Action Items to Protect Insects from Global Declines

Join Akito Y. Kawahara, the lead researcher at the Florida Museum of Natural History's McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, to learn about how to help save our important insects. Register here.

WHC: Moths as a Performance Indicator: An Intro to Terrestrial Rapid BioAssessment

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT Moths are largely nocturnal creatures, but they can shed light on local biodiversity in a unique way. Many of the world’s 160,000+ moth species have niche habitat needs. Knowing what species are present in an area (and which ones are conspicuously absent) can therefore tell us a lot about …

Xerces 2021 Natural Areas Conference

11:00 AM - 5:00 PM (EDT) The Xerces Society is cohosting the 2021 Natural Area Conference held by the Natural Areas Association.  This year's one-day virtual event, Life from the Ashes:  Exploring the Impact of Prescribed & Natural Fire on Insects and Other Invertebrates, will explore the positive and negative impacts of prescribed and natural fire related …

Climate Change and Land Use Change Impacts on Pollinators

Biodiversity across the globe and throughout the tree of life is in major flux, and understanding the nature and causes of these changes is critical for developing effective conservation and management strategies. Pollinators are an especially important group to understand biodiversity change in, given the ecosystem and agricultural services that they provide, and bumblebees are a …

MJV: Conserving Grasslands for Birds and Monarchs

Monarchs share habitat with countless other organisms. In this webinar, Drew Larsen and bird biologist Kelly VanBeek share how conservation of grasslands intersects with the conservation of native pollinators, grassland birds and gamebirds, using case studies from Southeastern Wisconsin. More info/Register here.

MJV: Conserving Grasslands for Birds and Monarchs

2 PM Eastern Time Monarchs share habitat with countless other organisms. In this webinar, Drew Larsen and bird biologist Kelly VanBeek share how conservation of grasslands intersects with the conservation of native pollinators, grassland birds and gamebirds, using case studies from Southwestern Wisconsin. More info/Register here.

National Roadside Vegetation Management Association Conference 2021

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Asheville NC Due to the uncertainty and restrictions related to the COVID-19 Pandemic that are still ongoing in our Country, the NRVMA 2020 Annual Conference scheduled for September 29- October 1,2020, in Asheville, North Carolina HAS BEEN CANCELED. We will meet again at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Asheville, NC, August 31- September …
