Xerces: Polinizadores: Quiénes Son y Cómo Conservarlos

Below is an announcement and registration link for an upcoming Spanish language webinar from Xerces on pollinators. This is intended for a general audience and anyone interested in learning more about pollinators and how to support them around our homes and communities. En este seminario web, presentamos los grupos principales de polinizadores, su biología, y que necesitan para vivir y reproducirse. Destacamos las principales …

Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund: Pollinator Habitat: Available help for your next project

This webinar is open to the public and will talk about key considerations for successful pollinator habitat projects and potential support for your next project. These webinars will cover a variety of topics related to the design, establishment and management of pollinator habitat as well as the BBHF Seed A Legacy program that offers new …

MJV: The Beauty and Resilience of Prairie

Prairies contain incredible beauty and diversity, though neither is widely recognized by the public. Along with the size and connectivity of habitats, the biological diversity in prairies creates the ecological resilience needed to help ensure their continued survival. This photo-heavy presentation will delve into the diversity of prairies, especially within plants and invertebrates, sharing incredible …

Xerces: Buying Bee-Safe Plants: How You Can Help

Join Xerces in a dynamic, interactive webinar focused on how to find bee-safe plants for your pollinator gardens. You’ll walk out with tools for identifying pollinator-friendly growing practices in nurseries and greenhouses, a plan for how you can encourage your nursery to incorporate pollinator-friendly pest management into their business, and confidence in your capacity to …

Pollinator Friendly Alliance: 6th Annual BEST PRACTICES FOR POLLINATORS Summit

Learn ecologically sound land management practices that promote pollinators, climate resilience, clean water and lands; practical knowledge, old world methods and innovation on pesticide reduction, habitat installation, soil health and more. More info here. Register here.

Railway Tie Association: Environmental Regulatory Update: A Look Ahead

This webinar will take a look at current and pending changes to environmental regulations, as well as trends in state and federal policy and enforcement initiatives under the new Biden administration. Regulated industries can expect the new administration to consider action on several areas including chemicals regulation, climate change, wetlands, environmental justice, and air and …

PV Plus: Amplifying the Sustainability and Biodiversity Benefits of Solar

Demand for solar energy continues to accelerate. Signed power purchase agreements exceeding 70 GW will result in more than 500,000 acres of new PV solar by the end of 2024, with millions more acres to follow. But bare ground or turfgrass on solar facilities can contribute to the widespread decline in biodiversity, causing new challenges …

CWF: How Land Managers can Create Pollinator Habitat

Learn all the ins and outs of site selection, preparation and maintenance of a bare ground restoration to create pollinator habitat. Brittany Dobrzynski from New Jersey Audubon will provide details on how to install (with seeds and/or plugs) and manage your site with native plants for all of the growing season, along with providing some …

The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund: available help for your next project

This webinar is open to anyone interested in learning about the '4 Pillars of Pollinator Habitat', key considerations of great pollinator habitat and a new program that can provide technical guidance and access to free pollinator seed mixes. Register here.
