MJV: Conservation of Monarchs in Mexico

2:00 pm EST Colleagues in Mexico will share the work being done to protect and conserve monarchs and their overwintering sites within the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR).   Presenters: Eligio García Serrano - Coordinator, Fondo Monarca Eduardo Rendón Salinas- Subdirector of Terrestrial Ecosystems, WWF México   Register here.

Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference 2020 Online

UMISC 2020 Online will be a week long, multi-track conference focused on sharing information and networking on issues related to all taxa of invasive species. Subject matter will have an Upper Midwest flavor and focus, though speakers and attendees from all over the country and the world are welcome. Please visit their primary website, www.umisc.net, …

Update: Using the Pollinator Habitat Scorecard v2.1

Join us to learn about the latest updates to the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group’s Pollinator Scorecard, including how the scorecard can be used to meet the monitoring requirements of the Monarch CCAA. We will also touch on plot selection and distribution, the associated management module, and how to interpret scorecard results. Presenters: Dan Salas, …

WHC: Cleaning Up: Involving Community and Ecology in Remediation Projects

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT Land managers and agencies alike are increasingly recognizing the value of incorporating biodiversity and community considerations into both the cleanup itself as well as the end-use of the land. In this webinar you will hear from our expert speaker about selecting these kinds of beneficial outcomes for remediation sites, featuring a …

Cleaning Up: Involving Community and Ecology in Remediation Projects

At its core, remediation efforts are designed to protect communities from the impacts of historical contamination through cleanup efforts. Land managers and agencies alike are increasingly recognizing the value of incorporating biodiversity and community considerations into both the cleanup itself as well as the end-use of the land. In this webinar you will hear from …

WHC: Cleaning Up: Involving Community and Ecology in Remediation Projects

At its core, remediation efforts are designed to protect communities from the impacts of historical contamination through cleanup efforts. Land managers and agencies alike are increasingly recognizing the value of incorporating biodiversity and community considerations into both the cleanup itself as well as the end-use of the land. In this webinar you will hear from …

Entomological Society of America: Annual Meeting: Entomology 2020

Orlando, FL Submissions for Program Symposia are now open and due Thursday, January 31, 2020. Submissions should reflect the meeting theme, Entomology for All. Organizers are encouraged to be innovative and thoughtful in proposing appealing sessions that are inclusive and display the diversity of entomological science in terms of speaker locality and background (gender, ethnicity, career …

MJV: Farmers for Monarchs: Habitat Creation

2:00 PM EST Register here for the November 2020 Monarch Conservation Webinar. You will receive additional details about participating in the webinar on the confirmation page after registering. This series is a collaborative effort between the Monarch Joint Venture and the National Conservation Training Center. We look forward to your participation! Register here.

TRB: National Webinar on Roadside Management and Pollinators

The TRB Standing Committee on Roadside Maintenance Operations (AKR50) is hosting a webinar on December 1, 2020 to highlight some of the current realities with pollinator habitat on highway transportation rights of way. This webinar will focus on transportation agency experiences with private and community-based partnerships for roadside enhancements, criterion for site selection and design …
