Xerces: Supporting Pollinators on Rangelands in the Great Plains and Western US

Well managed rangelands are home for many species of wildlife, including pollinators, and management decisions play an important role in conserving their habitat. Join Xerces staff as they highlight best management practices to manage rangeland using grazing, fire, or haying to support livestock production and pollinator health. More info/Register here.

Restoring Pollinator Habitat on Rights-of-Way 1

1:30PM-3:00 PM EST Come join your peers to learn about the latest in opportunities to restore habitat in rights-of-way (ROW). Many organizations are finding this a positive way to address various issues such as invasive species management, lowering the bottom line in municipal budgets, as well as demonstrating social responsibility to customers and public citizens. …

MJV: Monarchs, milkweed and grassland disturbance

When common milkweed is cut back during the growing season it produces new growth over the next few weeks. Research suggests these regenerating stems are very attractive to ovipositing monarchs, contain fewer monarch predators, and may be safer environments for first-instar caterpillars. This presentation will review research on this topic, including results from the ReGrow …

Restoring Pollinator Habitat on Rights-of-Way 2

1:30 PM-3:00 PM EST Come join your peers to learn about the latest in opportunities to restore habitat in rights-of-way (ROW). Many organizations are finding this a positive way to address various issues such as invasive species management, lowering the bottom line in municipal budgets, as well as demonstrating social responsibility to customers and public …

Restoring Pollinator Habitat on Rights-of-Way 3

1:30 PM-3:00 PM EST Come join your peers to learn about the latest in opportunities to restore habitat in rights-of-way (ROW). Many organizations are finding this a positive way to address various issues such as invasive species management, lowering the bottom line in municipal budgets, as well as demonstrating social responsibility to customers and public …

Xerces: Soil Invertebrates – Getting to Know the Life in Soil

This workshop will familiarize participants with common soil invertebrates, their ecology and roles in soil health, scouting methods, and management strategies to increase beneficial soil animal populations. More info/Register here.

Restoring Pollinator Habitat on Rights-of-Way 4

1:30 PM-3:00 PM EST Come join your peers to learn about the latest in opportunities to restore habitat in rights-of-way (ROW). Many organizations are finding this a positive way to address various issues such as invasive species management, lowering the bottom line in municipal budgets, as well as demonstrating social responsibility to customers and public …

(Ontario Only) Restoring Pollinator Habitat on Rights-of-Way 5

1:30 PM-3:00 PM EST Come join your peers to learn about the latest in opportunities to restore habitat in rights-of-way (ROW). Many organizations are finding this a positive way to address various issues such as invasive species management, lowering the bottom line in municipal budgets, as well as demonstrating social responsibility to customers and public …

Xerces: Getting to Know the ‘Good Bugs’ – Scouting for Pollinators and Other Beneficial Insects

Discover the mysteries of pollinators and natural enemies of crop pests through this informative webinar. Learn how to differentiate a honey bee from a native bee and how to recognize some of our most common natural enemies of crop pests. This webinar will introduce a simple monitoring protocol designed to help farmers, land-managers and backyard …

MJV: Western Butterflies: an overview of threats and population trajectories

This webinar will review evidence from different long-term datasets in the west, including the Shapiro transect from Northern California and the North American Butterfly Association summer counts, with an eye towards understanding threats (including climate change) and species or regions of particular concern.   More info/Register here.

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