Chicago Living Corridors: Invite Nature to Your Yard

This webinar will provide information for those new to native planting as well as experienced native gardeners. Our presenter, Jim Kleinwachter, leads the Conservation Foundation's Conservation@Home program to promote the creation of more eco-friendly yards. Join us to learn a variety of techniques for transforming your yard, including the selection and use of native plants, …

Out West: Monarch Policy Update

10:00 am - 11:30 am PST Out West's June webinar speakers will cover an overview of the 2019 Western Monarch Conservation Plan (WMCP), the current status for the Western Monarch population and listing decision, an update on the federal Monarch Conservation Database, and opportunities to manage rights-of-way as monarch habitat.  More info/Register here.

National Pollinator Week

Click here to see all the Pollinator Week related news, events, and activities!

EPRI: Pollinator Power Party

You’re invited to a week of activities to understand the life and purpose of pollinators! Cooking, science, art, music, gardening, and LIVE stream of a new documentary film. This celebration of pollination and those that preserve and promote their power will take place during National Pollinator Week,  June 22-28, 2020. More info here. Register here.

MJV: Monarch Conservation in Canada

2:00 pm EST The webinar will be offered through WebEx.  Greg Mitchell from Environment Canada joins us this month to talk about the listing decision for monarchs in Canada, how they fund stewardship projects, and the conservation research he is currently involved in.

Western Apicultural Society Conference – Missoula, Montana

Meet with prominent researches in the field of apiculture Get updates through science-based presentations Catch up with friends and acquaintances- and make new ones Gain insights from one another while talking about bees Add a Field Day on Sunday Presenters: Jerry Bromenshenk, University of Montana and Bee Alert Technology Scott Debnam, University of Montana Master …

Chicago Wilderness: Virtual Congress Real Learning #4

Environmental Gentrification 101 (Advocacy and Awareness) Could a park, a forest preserve, a green space have negative impacts on a community? This moderated panel invites an open discussion about Environmental Gentrification and its relation to natural areas management and planning in the Chicago Wilderness area. Panelists will start from a shared working definition, share perspectives …

USEPA: Power and Pollinators: Pollinator-Friendly Landscapes for Solar Facilities

1:00 pm- 2:30 pm  EST Are you interested in learning how to beautify your solar site and promote pollinator habitat? The Power and Pollinators webinar will examine how planting for pollinators on RE-Powering sites benefits cleaning up contaminated sites while beautifying communities. Planting for pollinators can help protect caps, control runoff, and provide habitat for …

Out West: Breeding/Migratory Habitat

10:00-11:30 am PST Out West speakers in July will focus on monarch breeding and migratory habitat across the West, including updates on population patterns, new techniques for mapping habitat, and an analysis of threats facing breeding and migrating monarchs. Emma Pelton (Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation) – Update on current breeding and migratory patterns and monarch populations …

Canadian Wildlife Federation: Discover Canada’s Native Bees

12:00 pm EST Join Cécile Antoine -PhD Candidate in Biology at UOttawa- on her journey to discover native bees that you may encounter in your gardens and parks around Ottawa, or the rest of the country. Cécile will share her passion by giving details on the biology and ecology of wild bees. She will also …

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