CCAA Help Desk

Dial by phone: (872) 240-3212 Access Code: 178-636-461 and Connect with your computer:      Please also submit your CCAA-related questions to the discussion board! Sign in to the ROWHWG website first, before submitting your questions. 

World Bee Day

Click here to see all the World Bee Day related activities and news!

CCAA Help Desk

Dial by phone: (872) 240-3212 Access Code: 178-636-461 and Connect with your computer:      Please also submit your CCAA-related questions to the discussion board! Sign in to the ROWHWG website first, before submitting your questions. 

Alberta Land Institute: Land Use 2020: A Place for Biodiversity Offsets

Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity 107 Tunnel Mountain Drive, Banff, Alberta, Canada

12:00 pm- 4:00 pm MDT Biodiversity offsetting is becoming an increasingly common policy and planning tool of resource conservation. It posits that the negative impacts of development can be countered by the intentional creation of equivalent or greater environmental positives. To advance the understanding of this concept and policy tool, its promise and pitfalls, the …

CCAA Help Desk

Dial by phone: (872) 240-3212 Access Code: 178-636-461 and Connect with your computer:      Please also submit your CCAA-related questions to the discussion board! Sign in to the ROWHWG website first, before submitting your questions. 

PlayCleanGo Invasive Awareness Week

The second annual PlayCleanGo Awareness Week will be held June 6-13, 2020 across North America. Last year's event reached over 500,000 individuals with the PlayCleanGo message.  The goal of the campaign is to show outdoor enthusiasts how they can stop invasive plants and pests from spreading — while enjoying the great outdoors. Spread the word …

WHC: Beyond the Pollinator Garden: How to Make the Greatest Impacts for Bees and Butterflies

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT Pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths and hummingbirds play an invaluable role in our ecosystems. Although pollinator gardens are important in protecting these species, larger-scale efforts are going to be required for pollinator conservation to be most effective and sustainable over the long-term. Join our panel of experts from …

Chicago Living Corridors: Invite Nature to Your Yard

This webinar will provide information for those new to native planting as well as experienced native gardeners. Our presenter, Jim Kleinwachter, leads the Conservation Foundation's Conservation@Home program to promote the creation of more eco-friendly yards. Join us to learn a variety of techniques for transforming your yard, including the selection and use of native plants, …

Out West: Monarch Policy Update

10:00 am - 11:30 am PST Out West's June webinar speakers will cover an overview of the 2019 Western Monarch Conservation Plan (WMCP), the current status for the Western Monarch population and listing decision, an update on the federal Monarch Conservation Database, and opportunities to manage rights-of-way as monarch habitat.  More info/Register here.

National Pollinator Week

Click here to see all the Pollinator Week related news, events, and activities!

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