Working Group Meeting #2 (January 19, 2016)
The second meeting of the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group was hosted by the Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois-Chicago and The Chicago Region Trees Initiative on January 19, 2016. See the list of meeting attendees here.
Copies of presentations are posted below as they are available. The full meeting agenda can be found here.
Welcome and Working Group Update
Iris Caldwell, Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois-Chicago
Chicago Region Trees Initiative Update
Lydia Scott, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Illinois Tollway Pollinator Habitat Program
Bryan Wagner, Illinois Tollway
AEP Transmission Right-of-Way Vegetation Demonstration Project
Lindsey Forhan, American Electric Power
Illinois State Nursery Products, Availability, and Resources
Dave Horvath, Illinois State Nursery
Site Preparation and Soils Issues in Rights-of-Way:
Biosolids: A Local and Renewable Resource
Lakhwinder Hundal and Dominic Brose, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
Urban Soil Primer
Pat Kelsey, WBK Engineering
Prescribed Burning and ComEd’s Prairie Program
Sara Race, ComEd
Long-Term Maintenance of Rights-of-Way Habitat Projects
Jack Pizzo, The Pizzo Group
Economic Benefits of Sustainable Vegetation Management Practices on Roadside Rights-of-Way
Jeff Norcini, Florida Department of Transportation