Pollinator Scorecard User’s Guide

The Pollinator Scorecard and Management Module was developed by the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group to evaluate pollinator habitat and management practices on rights-of-way and other energy and transportation lands. The User’s Guide provides background information and protocols for using the Pollinator Scorecard and Management Module.
Tier 1 Pollinator Scorecard – Midwest and Northeast Regions

The Tier 1 datasheet is a high-level assessment developed by the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group, which can quickly determine if pollinator habitat is present. It is intended for use by anyone, with minimal training or plant identification skills required alongside the Management Module and Pollinator Scorecard User’s Guide. This version is applicable to the Midwest and Northeast U.S.
Tier 1 Pollinator Scorecard – West and South Regions

The Tier 1 datasheet is a high-level assessment developed by the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group, which can quickly determine if pollinator habitat is present. It is intended for use by anyone, with minimal training or plant identification skills required alongside the Management Module and Pollinator Scorecard User’s Guide. This version is applicable to the West and South U.S.
Tier 2 Pollinator Scorecard

The Tier 2 datasheet is a high-level assessment developed by the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group, which can generally assess habitat quality. It is intended for use by most assessors, but some skill level is required to differentiate plants in bloom and identify percent cover, habitat resources, and management threats and opportunities. Use alongside the Management Module for a more complete assessment of habitat.
Tier 3 Pollinator Scorecard

The Tier 3 datasheet is a high-level assessment developed by the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group, which can provide a detailed assessment of habitat quality. It is intended for advanced assessors who are capable of identifying most plants to species-level. Use alongside the Management Module for a more complete assessment of habitat.
Scorecard Management Module

The Pollinator Scorecard Management Module is used to evaluate the suitability of management activities for pollinator habitat on each plot or site. This tool provides valuable information to consider alongside the habitat quality ratings.
MJV & Xerces: Regional Milkweed ID Guide

Monarch Joint Venture and Xerces Society developed this Regional Milkweed Identification Guide for roadside habitat assessment. The guides are organized by region and can help you recognize the most common native milkweed species found on roadsides in your area.
MJV Monarch Roadside Habitat Evaluation Tool

This tool developed by the Monarch Joint Venture pairs a Rapid Assessment protocol for assessing current monarch habitat conditions along roadsides with a Habitat Calculator that computes monarch habitat quality scores for use in adaptive management.
Solar Site Pollinator Habitat Assessment Form

This tool developed by Minnesota Board of Water & Soil resources helps solar companies claim pollinator/wildlife habitat benefits on solar sites.
Michigan Pollinator Habitat Planning Scorecard for Solar Sites

This form was developed by the Michigan State University Department of Entomology to guide vegetation management at solar installations to make them more supportive for native pollinators. The tool helps determine whether the plans meet or exceed the minimum requirements.
Solar Site Pollinator Habitat Planning & Assessment Form

This assessment tool developed by the Pollinator-Friendly Solar Initiative of Vermont is used for site and seed mix planning and designing.
Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Habitat

This tools developed by Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is meant to help educate conservation planners and landowners, prioritize conservation actions, and quantify habitat or land management improvements for the rusty patched bumble bee on a single site.
Monarch Butterfly Habitat Quantification Tool Specifications Document

This tool developed for Monarch Butterfly Habitat Exchange. It is the product of Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Incentives, and the Monarch Lab at the University of Minnesota. This tool is used by the Exchange to evaluate habitat and estimate benefits to monarchs.
Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program 2018 Guidebook

This guide developed by Monarch Joint Venture describes the objectives and the various activities of the Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program.
Monarch Breeding Habitat Assessment Tool

This assessment tool developed by the University of Minnesota Monarch Lab provides public and private landowners key criteria and a scoring rubric for creating and managing monarch breeding and migratory habitat.
Streamlined Bee Monitoring Protocol for Assessing Pollinator Habitat

This guideline developed by the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation examines the habitat and habitat restoration projects and how they help increase the value of wild bees in crop pollination. Working to better understand the ecology of wild polination services, examine pollinator diversity , community ecology of plant-pollinator networks.