What does the recent monarch listing extension mean for the CCAA?

The Service announced on May 24, 2019 that the timeline for making its listing determination on the monarch butterfly is extended to December 15, 2020. The extension allows the Service to study data from the most recent census of overwintering monarchs as well as the next survey to be conducted in late 2019.


The extended timeline creates important opportunities for energy companies and transportation agencies interested in enrolling in the CCAA. Early commitments under the CCAA (i.e., all enrollments before May 2020) will be considered in the Service’s analysis to inform the listing determination. In the past, upfront conservation commitments have allowed the Service to avoid the need to list species under the Endangered Species Act.


The CCAA provides a valuable low-risk investment in pollinator conservation and business certainty. Enrollment in the CCAA ahead of the listing determination allows industry partners to demonstrate their leadership and upfront commitments to protecting the monarch butterfly and conserving habitat. The longer enrollment period also gives partners and UIC more time for planning and implementation, refining administrative processes, and training and outreach.