Xerces: NRCS Conservation Practices that Support Monarchs

1:00 pm- 2:00 pm PDT Join Jessa Kay-Cruz, Senior Pollinator Ecologist for the Xerces Society and NRCS Partner Biologist as she reviews the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCD) conservation practice …

Xerces: Gardening Beyond Your Yard: Bee City USA

10:00 am PDT / 11:00 am MDT / 12 noon CDT / 1:00 pm EDT (1-hour duration) Join Molly Martin, Bee City USA Coordinator, to learn about taking gardening beyond …

WHC Connect 2020

Unprecedented circumstances around the world means we can’t convene in person. But as we have proven so far this year, our members, partners and friends can continue to stay together …

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