MJV: Monarch Larva Monitoring Project (MLMP)

On June 12th, the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project (MLMP) team will lead a virtual training to learn how to collect data to contribute to knowledge about the monarch population. Volunteers …

National Pollinator Week

Click here to see all the Pollinator Week related news, events, and activities!

2021 Pollinator Power Party

In conjunction with National Pollinator Week, we are planning exciting activities and perks including party boxes, scientific lectures, a celebrity cooking class, pollinator art and culture, habitat management stories, and …

North American Prairie Conference 2021

Plan to join us for three inspiring, informative days. The 2021 North American Prairie Conference will draw some of the brightest minds in prairie protection, restoration, stewardship, education and communications. …

Blazing Stars and Soaring Monarchs

The MJV will again be hosting Blazing Stars and Soaring Monarchs at Minnesota Native Landscapes on August 21, 2021! We hope you will join us again for an amazing experience among …

MJV: Migratory Dragonfly Workshop (Spanish/English)

12:00pm - 3:00 pm EST Welcome to the exciting world of dragonflies! This workshop will provide lessons on the natural history of dragonflies and damselflies, hands-on outdoor experiences, and classroom …

International Monitoring Blitz

From July 23 to August 1, 2021, thousands of volunteers in Canada, Mexico and the United States, will take part in 5th annual International Monarch Monitoring Blitz (the Blitz). In …

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