MJV: Monarch Conservation in Canada

2:00 pm EST The webinar will be offered through WebEx.  Greg Mitchell from Environment Canada joins us this month to talk about the listing decision for monarchs in Canada, how …

Chicago Wilderness: Virtual Congress Real Learning #4

Environmental Gentrification 101 (Advocacy and Awareness) Could a park, a forest preserve, a green space have negative impacts on a community? This moderated panel invites an open discussion about Environmental …

Out West: Breeding/Migratory Habitat

10:00-11:30 am PST Out West speakers in July will focus on monarch breeding and migratory habitat across the West, including updates on population patterns, new techniques for mapping habitat, and an …

Chicago Wilderness: Virtual Congress Real Learning #5

Using CMAP Tools for Conservation and Climate Resilience Planning Staff from CMAP and the Nature Conservancy will present publicly available tools and data on stormwater, water demand, and natural resources …

WHC: Climate Change Resiliency Through the Power of Nature

1:00 pm- 2:00 pm EDT This webinar will discuss climate change impacts, such as sea level rise, higher-intensity storms and wildfires, and droughts, can damage infrastructure and impede operations, leaving …

MJV: Research Reports from the Field

2:00 pm EST Join MJV for research updates from monarch programs and scientists. This month they will focus on habitat with presentations from Laura Lukens and Kyle Kasten from the …

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