Working Group Meeting #1: (July 23, 2015)

The initial working group meeting held on July 23, 2015 at the University of Illinois-Chicago campus was attended by more than 80 organizations. The meeting consisted of informational presentations and small group break-out discussions covering a variety of topics. The full meeting agenda can be found here.

Welcome and Introduction
Steffen Mueller and Iris Caldwell, Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois-Chicago

Opportunities for Pollinators Along Rights-of-Way
Jennifer Hopwood, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation

Iowa Roadside Management Successes and What Could Be Better
Joy Williams, Roadside Development Section, Office of Design, Iowa Department of Transportation

First Steps for Development a Habitat Program
Sara Barnas, Wildlife Habitat Council

ROW for Pollinators & Birds
Rick Johnstone, IVM Partners

Federal Pollinator Initiative Updates
Donita Cotter and Michael Gale, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Closing Remarks
Kelsey Musich, Illinois Tollway