Working Group Meeting #3 (July 27 – 28, 2016)

The third meeting of the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group was hosted by the Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois-Chicago on July 27 and 28, 2016. See the list of meeting attendees here.

Copies of presentations are posted below as they are available. The full meeting agenda can be found here.

Keynote Presentation: Networks for Life – Your Role in Stitching the Natural World Together
Doug Tallamy, University of Delaware and author of Bringing Nature Home

Roadside Views – Stakeholder Perspectives of Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management
Kristine Nemec, University of Northern Iowa Tallgrass Prairie Center
Carole Teator, Trees Forever
Video Presentation

Union Pacific’s Habitat Program Exploration
Bob Toy, Union Pacific Railroad
Video Presentation

Working Group Update
Iris Caldwell, University of Illinois-Chicago Energy Resources Center

Constraints, Obstacles, and Best Management Practices to Enhance Pollinator Habitat in Rights-of-Way
Bonnie Harper-Lore, Retired from Federal Highway Administration
Video Presentation

Pollinator Habitat – Art & Science of Managing for High Quality and Cost Effectiveness
Pete Berthelsen, Pheasants Forever
Video Presentation

Overview of Interstate 35 Monarch Highway Engagement
Lekha Knuffman, National Wildlife Federation
Video Presentation

A National Monarch Monitoring Framework: Tracking Monarchs and Evaluating Available Habitat
Holly Holt, Monarch Joint Venture
Video Presentation

Integrated Vegetation Management 101
Philip Charlton, Right-of-Way Stewardship Council
Video Presentation