Xerces: Pollinator Habitat Conservation Along Roadways Peer Exchange Meeting (READ DESCRIPTION)

This interactive virtual workshop is intended to bring together staff from DOTs around the country, as well as other roadside managers, to share challenges and successes in creating and managing pollinator habitat along roadways.    This workshop will consist of a series of four core sessions focusing on strategies for ESA compliance, maintenance, revegetation, and …

MJV 2022 Webinar Series: The Monarch Migrating Mural Project

The Monarch Migrating Mural Project: Public Art as a Catalyst for Conservation.  Presenters: Jane Kim, Ink Dwell. January 25, 2022   In this webinar, Jane will discuss her ongoing Monarch Migrating Mural campaign, a series of public installations that highlight monarchs along their migration corridors, and the habitat conservation actions the campaign has inspired.    …

WHC: All About Monitoring – Capturing Strong Data for Your Certification Application

Register for the webinar here.   Monitoring is one of the foundations of a successful habitat or species conservation project, helping teams assess their progress and adjust their management practices accordingly.     This webinar will explore what good monitoring is, why it’s important for documenting your success, and how to integrate monitoring into the management …

Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference

Hilton Des Moines Downtown 435 Park Street, Des Moines, IA, United States

Join us in Des Moines, Iowa on February 13-16, 2022 for the 82nd Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. We are designing this meeting to be a hybrid event to allow those unable to travel to have access to content as well as a variety of other ways for all participants to engage and connect with colleagues in the …

National Wild Turkey Federation: 46th Annual Convention and Sport Show

Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center 2800 Opryland Dr., Nashville, TN, United States

Join us in Nashville! In February, the NWTF will take over Nashville for our 46th annual NWTF Convention and Sport Show, Feb. 16-20, 2022 once again at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center. Our convention and sport show is the largest consumer show in Nashville with more than 350 exhibitors featuring some of the …

WHC: Bird-Safe Glass and Native Grass Webinar

Bird-Safe Glass and Native Grass: Why Avian Projects Aren't Just About Nest Boxes Register for the webinar here. Nest boxes have become a common sight on corporate lands around the world, providing cavity-nesting songbirds a safe place to raise their young. Given the wide range of challenges that birds encounter, however, it is important to …

Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve: 22nd Annual Land Ethics Symposium (VIRTUAL)

Symposium Overview Look forward to the 22nd year of this not-to-be-missed symposium geared towards landscape architects, designers, contractors, land planners, municipal officials and homeowners. Learn how to create ecologically sound and economically viable landscapes through the use of native plants and sustainable practices. Continuing education credits will be available! Registration coming soon.

MJV 2022 Webinar Series: Total Alliance for Pollinators

Tribal Alliance for Pollinators: An Innovative Model for Conservation Collaboration. Presenters: Jane Breckinridge & Brandon Gillespie.  February 22, 2022 1pm-2pm TAP is the only Native-led organization dedicated to grassland restoration using locally sourced native plant seed. Learn about TAP’s history, dedication to monarch conservation, methods and hear guidance on working more effectively with tribes. Register …

Webinar: Pollinator Health and Habitat from a Beekeeper’s Perspective

Starts at 10 AM CST on February 23, 2022 through Zoom The seminar will take place again at 7 PM CST on February 24, also through Zoom. Join a free webinar that talks with a commercial beekeeper from Browning's Honey and pollinator biologists with The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund the many challenges facing the …

WHC Webinar Series: Proactive Conservation

Proactive Conservation: Supporting At-Risk Species through Collaborative Action February 23, 2021 12:00-1:00 PM CST While reversing population loss among threatened and endangered species is critical, it is also important to proactively address the needs of species that are at-risk of potential listing. Voluntarily working to keep at-risk species from being listed benefits not only wildlife, …
